"My heart is heavy and nearly crumbling under the weight of this burden. Every emotion I've been shelving is threatening to rip me up into pieces. I want to let it all out but where do I start from? Does anyone really understand what I'm feeling?" 

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 NIV 

God encourages you to surrender your burdens to Him and promises to give you rest in exchange. However, you have to take the first step and approach Him. As powerful as God is, He won't force Himself on you. Yes He knows you're hurting. Yes He knows you've come to the end of yourself but whatever you don't acknowledge He won't heal. 

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalms 34:18 NIV

Even though we tend to feel abandoned when storms of life hit us, we should remember that God is always close to us. He hears our cries and never fails to come to our rescue. 

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised us a very important gift: the Holy Spirit. 

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever–
John 14:16 AMPC

The Holy Spirit is the very definition of a best friend. He is only a whisper or cry away. He doesn't just sympathize with us, He empathizes with us. Scripture tells us that Jesus went through the same struggles you go through (Heb 4:15). He identifies with your situation.  Emotional wounds replace the love you have with anger and resentment (I'll cover this separately). It is the Holy Spirit's work to refill you.

...God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Romans 5:5 NIV

 It is the Holy Spirit who offers the comfort you need. He will remind you that God's banner over you is love. He will give you the peace that surpasses human understanding. He is there in the storm, not to criticize you but to help you go through and out of it.

Harken to God's voice today and run to Him. In such moments when you don't have the strength to pick yourself up approach your heavenly Father. He has already availed the grace you need to stand on your feet (Heb 4:16). You just have to receive it. The grace of God will pick you up and propel you forward. Jesus was wounded for you to be made whole. Choosing to wallow in your sorrows beats the whole point.

Refuse to believe that your situation is hopeless. The Father's arms are open wide, ready to receive your rugged soul. You've been carrying that extra weight for too long. It's time for you rest. 

For I will restore health to you, and I will heal your wounds, says the Lord...
Jeremiah 30:17 AMPC

Take a moment to listen to this song and don't be afraid to pour your heart out. Cast all your cares on Him because He cares passionately for you.

Song: Run To The Father - Cody Carnes


  1. Wow.
    The Father's arms are open ready to receive our rugged souls. Thank you for writing this.


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